Plant Terrarium &

Air Plant Care Guides


To properly care for a closed terrarium, there are a few important instructions to follow. Firstly, place the terrarium in an area with indirect sunlight, as direct sunlight can lead to excessive heat and damage the plants inside. It is essential to keep the terrarium in a humid environment, so avoid placing it near air vents or drafty areas. Water the terrarium sparingly, as closed terrariums create their own moisture through condensation. Overwatering can cause the plants to rot, so only water when the soil feels dry. Prune any dead or yellowing leaves to promote healthy growth. Lastly, clean the glass regularly to remove any dust or debris that may obstruct the view. By following these care instructions, your closed terrarium will thrive and bring a touch of nature into your living space.


To properly care for an open terrarium, there are a few guidelines to follow. Firstly, it is important to place the terrarium in an area with indirect sunlight. Direct sunlight can lead to excessive heat and damage the plants . Additionally, ensure that the terrarium is well-ventilated to prevent the growth of mould or fungi. Watering is another crucial aspect of terrarium care. It is necessary to mist the plants lightly every few days with a spray bottle, ensuring that the soil remains moist but not soaked. Overwatering can lead to root rot and other plant diseases. Lastly, regularly remove any dead leaves or debris from the terrarium to maintain a clean and healthy environment for the plants. Following these instructions will help ensure the longevity and beauty of your open terrarium.


Caring for an air plant is relatively easy and requires minimal effort. These unique plants, also known as Tillandsia, do not require soil to grow as they absorb water and nutrients through their leaves. To care for an air plant, it is essential to provide them with proper lighting, preferably bright but indirect sunlight. They should be placed in a well-ventilated area to prevent excessive moisture buildup. Watering an air plant involves misting or soaking them in water for about 20 minutes every one to two weeks, depending on the humidity level. It is crucial not to over water them to avoid rotting. Additionally, air plants should be given a nutrient boost by using a diluted fertilizer every few months. With proper care, air plants can thrive and bring a touch of natural beauty to any space.

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